Wednesday, October 11, 2006

On this day in history...

Well, in 2002 Jimmie Carter got a Nobel Peace Prize for being an international butt-inski, but more importantly....

Darryl Hall was born in 1948.

I think he's the blond one, although I could never remember. 1948? That makes him like 58 this year. Holy crap, that's older than my mother... Which means he was in his mid '30s when they had their biggest success in 1982-84. Sheeeeet, that's old. (He says with irony)

In addition to their haunting harmonizations and soothing electronic jams... err... whatever... Hall and Oates is known for one of the gayest albumn covers in history:

It's not so much the soulful gazes into each others eyes, as it is the sweatiness... And think about it. Oates did nothing. He was a bassist for crying out loud. Anybody can play bass. He was like Teller to Hall's Penn, or the other way around - I can never tell those guys apart either. Anyway, it's obvious HAll just kept him around for the nookie.

Need more evidence? Here's the cover of their eponymous 1975 album:

C'mon. The mascara? Need I say more?

Well, Happy Birthday Darryl. Hope John gets you something nice.

(PS - to the legion of Hall and Oates fans who now want me dead, I know, I know, they're not gay. Oates has two kids, and Hall has at least one. I kid because I loved Hall and Oates back in the day, blah blah blah... And, yeah, gay folks never have children afterall.... [insert eyeroll here])


Dirty Gypsy said...

Wow - it's Darryl Hall's birthday, but I feel like *I* got a present! You can bet your sweet bippy I watched that video til the bitter end.

I can't decide what's my favorite part: Hall's herky-jerky dancing (that they won't even show a full-length shot of), Oates' "OOOOOoooHHH!!" towards the end, or the fact that G.E. Smith appears in the video, reminding me just how unattractive he is. Heh. Man, I was five years old when that single came out...

Kara said...

Lord I loved them when I was eight...sigh...
They look better then I do with mascara..bastards

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I suppose if it weren't for gay or gay-looking musicians, we'd all be out a lot of great music. I'd personally like to see Darryl Hall do something new these days. He had one of the best voices in the biz!

Kal said...

HM: Not that there's anything wrong with that! And you should check out their website, they're still pumping out the tunes, albeit for their own homemade label and not for the biggies.

Callie said...

I was never really that into Hall & Oats. They had a few songs I liked, but I always thought they were over-rated. I do remember, however, when I was about 13 or 14, they were playing at the Cal Expo Amphitheater. I lived about a mile or two away, and when I sat out in my front yard, I could hear them. I remember sitting in the tree for about 30 or 40 minutes, trying to tell one song from the next.

And I seriously have NO idea why that memory sticks with me. LOL!