Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What the...?!?

An ad being used in Europe for the new Zune, Microsoft's version of the IPod (which ensures bugginess, overpricedness, and wayyy to many features cluttering up the interface...)

Now, honestly. What did that thing sniffing around with no eye make you think of? It can't just be me...


I hope....

Oh god


Avitable said...

Not just you. How bizarre.

Kara said...

damn it;'s not working for me....either is my use of punctuation evidently

Jeff and Charli Lee said...


chris said...

That was disturbing

Kara said...

ok,i got it to work...that was just plain gross. how exactly is that supposed to promote the sales of an electronic device????? Shit, my 11 yr old could come up with better crap than that...with his action