Welcome to the New Digs...
So I got tired of waiting for Blogger to offer me to move Kal's World over to Blogger Beta, so I took the opportunity of the meltdown to just move the whole sucker over myself.
Welcome to the new, somewhat improved, Kal's World. We're going to be continually tweaking, so send your suggestions: short of "oh, just give up, you suck!".
So, bear with us, this could be messy for a time.
In honor of the new place, I got another picture taken... Note the nifty new highlights on my horns... And yes, I've gone bald. Such is life.
Old me:New Me:
Oh crap, I forgot to put in the dentures.... I'll have to get another picture taken...
Nice. The repeating bricks are soothing to the eyes.
You yanking my crank, Av-man?
My, how quickly the little devils grow up!
What did you mean by "...waiting for Blogger to offer me a migration over to Beta"?
HM: There's a new version of blogger, Blogger Beta, which has some improvements including the ability to label posts (like tags) and sort by labels. It's available for gmail users, and they say they're going to move regular blogger users over there, but it's been a couple of months, so I decided to restart le blog using my google login.
Yes, yes I am.
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