Monday, December 18, 2006

Thank you, thank you very much...

So Time cops out and names everyone who puts content on the internet (does that include Fark commenters? Comment trolls? That Nigerian guy trying to access his $26.6 Million USD?) as their "Person of the Year".

Couple of things. First off, where does that leave Avitable? Does he get "Hairy Gorilla-like Person" of the Year? And do we all get a big party? This would be my chance to finally meet the fetching Zahra Amir Ebrahimi, who's meant so much to me, traffic-wise, these past couple of weeks.

Although I think she's a little less thrilled about her share of the award than I am.

Oh, by the way... is there any cash involved here? If so, Time, could we keep it on the DL... Don't want to just have to give it over to the wife, you know...


Avitable said...

Chimp Weekly actually named me "Man-ape of the Year".

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I thought that was a pretty cheezy cop-out for Time to do that. What, is trying to be creative and come up with an actual recipient too hard?


Gino said...

i think kal has earned it.
when you get to the ceremonies, give zahra a big warm hug from me, would ya?

Kal said...

Avi, congratulations. Your mother must be so proud. You are truly an inspiration to use folically endowed people across the globe.

HM: Exactly. I mean, if you were going for an internet phenomenon, at least you could've picked out something particular, like the guys who invented YouTube or something.

Gino: Thank you, but this is your award too! Let's both "hug" Zahra...

Kara said...

OMG...sniffle,I'm so honored!

It's about damn time they recognized my genuis!!! hmm, did I spell genuis right???

Callie said...

Time honored everyone who uses a computer??!!!

HM was right - they're wusses.

btw - I finally have a new post, so stop your whining.