Wednesday, December 20, 2006



Five days until Christmas and the Christmas cards still aren't out... The whole card thing is an epic production because a) Wifeypooh feels the need to send a card to every person she's ever met, and b) we always do a Christmas letter, sort of a bizzaro world reflection of the average yuppie yuppington polemic about how perfect the kids are and how wonderful the lawn came out this year. Our letters are usually punctuated by epic tales of some sort of tragic home-improvement related disaster, or our utter disdain for the kids, or the latest pet death / dismemberment / disappearance. And tales of woe and suffering are only okay for Christmas cards if they're somewhat humerous, and Wifeypooh's a tough editor. So it takes for frickin ever...

So we just finished the damn letter, and the printer has run out of ink. Now, usually I'm a little more organized and I'll have bought back-up ink (because there's nothing worse than running out of ink at 2AM after printing pages 1 and 3 of the Christmas letter.. but this whole darn holiday just seemed to creep up on us this year. Oh, and yeah, I am a tad busy trying to find a job before the new Administration comes in and tells me it's time to get on with my life's work. But don't you let that worry you...)

Anywho, so it's not really a good time for Christmas...

So what's with the picture? Oh, nothing really. Just thinking about how easy it would be to slip on a wet platform, get smooshed by the train, and not have to worry about Christmas letters at all...

Oh, and let's not talk about shopping, mmm'kay?
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Kara said...

christmas is too damn stressful! I rarely do cards...did them thisyear and even did a photo. SO easy. I have to admit, I hate those kind of letters..if it's not addressed just to me i'm not interested. You should mail merge them..that way every letter is addressed to the person your sending!'ll take you another five days to get them out..but who's counting, it's the thought that counts right??

Kal said...

MD: It's in the mail!

Karamia: Well, to be fair, it's a little more sarcastic then many christmas letters, so you won't go into a diabetic coma from reading it...

Gino said...

my aunt used to send the yearly brag letter. we looked forward to it, and the year's worth of jokes and amusement we got out of ridiculing it.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I'd rather go to the dentist than write a Christmas letter.

Anyway, that being said...

Merry Christmas Kal and family!!!

Lana said...

Merry CHRISTmas Kal

Gino said...

i'm Christmas tagging you.
serves ya right for not posting much of late.
get to it, buddy.

details at my place.