Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Catch U L8r

Well, I'm off to the nation's capital to recieve praise and adoration, so I won't be around for a couple of days. Try not to make too much of a mess, and please put my CD's back in their cases, okay?

I'll leave you with this thought: my children make me act sound like a serial killer:

Me: Girl, put your dirty clothes in your laundry basket, not all ovre you floor.

Girl: (while dropping her clothes on the floor) sure.

Me: (getting aggravated) It puts the clothes in the basket...

Girl: Huh? (blissfully walking over mounds of dirty clothes on the floor)

Me: It puts the clothes in the basket, or it gets the hose!

Girl: (discovering dirty laundy under her bed, behind her dresser, in the top of her closet (?!?)) Dad, you are weird.

Me: Put the clothes in the freaking basket!!

Later that evening Jody Foster came over and we played in the basement.

See you all soon.


Penny said...

you need to try what I've tried here. If it doesn't put its clothes in the basket, the clothes don't get the hose. Ever.

Amazing what children can be motivated to do when faced with the threat of wearing the same underwear two days in a row...

Kara said...

as long as you didn't make her slather lotion all over them first....lol

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I think she may be onto something. You know, the part about you being weird - but in a good way ;-)